
Book Lending

Please bring the books and your ID card to the counter.
Students (faculty members of SIT) are able to lend up to 30 books at a time for a 3-week period.

Materials Number of books lent・Loan Periods
Books Toyosu Total:30 3 weeks
(Foreign Books: 30 days)
Audio-Visual Toyosu Total:15 1 week

※ Non-Circulating Materials:
Reference materials, periodicals, newspapers, books with「禁帯出」marks


When the book is not reserved by other users, you may renew and keep it for another 3 weeks.
Please bring the books and your ID card to the counter before the expiration date.
If you register for “Web-OPAC-My Library” , you can renew materials online.


Please bring the books to the counter before the expiration date.
You may return materials to any Library on Toyosu /Omiya campus.

When the library is closed, please return them to outside “Book Post”.
Be sure to return audio-visual materials to the library counter.


When the material which you want to borrow is checked out, you can make a reservation.
Please go through the procedure on “Web-OPAC-My Library” or at the library counter.
If you would like to use “Web-OPAC-My Library” please resister on “AMI” in advance.
Please refer to registration manual. (Japanese only)

Order from other campus libraries

Materials can be ordered from Toyosu campus and Omiya campus.
You can order on “Web-OPAC-My Library” or at the library counter.
If you would like to use “Web-OPAC-My Library” please register on “AMI” in advance.
Materials usually take 2 days to be ready.

Purchase Requests

We are welcome to have your request to purchase books not held by the Library.
Please fill in the application form and give it to the library counter.
If you register for “Web-OPAC-My Library” , you can request to purchase books online.

How we decide…:

(1) Priority purchase

  • Items which we do not have in stock. (you need to search OPAC)
  • Items which you need it for your research or education.
  • Audio-visual items which copyrights are treated and are permitted to use outside of the library.

(2) Not to purchase

  • Items which are likely less used because of the strongly personal hobby elements.
  • Items which are against for public order and standards of decency.
  • Items which have particular viewpoints of religious and political issues.
  • Periodical Items.

(3) Others

  • The purchase request made by one person is up to 10 books in a year.
  • For more information, you can visit “Acquisition policy” on the webpage.